My top 5 detox foods

These wonders of nature can help our bodies to get rid of harmful toxins and to give our amazing body a hand in its detoxifying process. These foods are easy to find and to cook, when necessary. I believe with knowledge comes power, power to decide, power to consciously incorporate foods that are truly good for us. What do you say, should we try?
Apple: Remember the saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away?” Apples are high in vitamin C and Quercetin, a powerful antioxidant nutrient also known for its antihistamine properties that helps with inflammation and allergies. Pectin, a soluble fibre found in apples is known to bind with heavy metals such as lead and mercury, making it a great detoxifying food. Keep your apples in a plastic bag and store in the crisper compartment of your fridge.
Avocado: Contains Glutathione the main antioxidant produced by our bodies that helps fight the degenerating effects of free radicals. The latter are very unstable molecules than can damage our body’s tissues. Environmental pollution, cigarettes, alcohol, medications and stress are the most popular precursors of free radicals in our bodies. At the same time, avocados help combats fatigue and level our blood sugar levels.
Cruciferous Vegetables: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, collards, kale, mustard greens, horseradish, rutabaga, turnips and watercress. Cruciferous vegetables have the amazing capacity of signalling our body to increase the production of detoxifying enzymes. Also, this type of vegetable has been linked to the prevention of several cancers such as colorectal, prostate and lung cancer. A word of caution is to always cook these type of vegetables if a person is suffering from underperforming thyroid function as they can suppress its function.
Garlic: garlic! It has been shown that garlic has three powerful functions in our bodies: it helps to treat infection, it protects our cardiovascular system and it fights various types of toxins. The latter, being our main focus, is explained by the presence of Allicin, which converts into a sulphur-based compound that once digested by the body is able to bind and remove heavy metals. At the same time garlics has been known to help with conditions such as toe fungus, cholesterol, mouth sores and vaginal yeast infections.
Seaweed: common name given to large marine algae growing in the shallow waters along ocean shores. Seaweeds such as nori, dulse and kelp contain high amounts of trace minerals, essential for the human body. Seaweeds are high in fibre, protein and are naturally fat free. One of the main benefits of consuming seaweeds is the natural consumption of iodine, essential for thyroid function, also their ability to prevent the body’s absorption of radioactive products. Additionally, seaweeds contain algin, a fibre molecule that can attract heavy metals such as lead and mercury.
So there you have it. Which foods do you think would be the easiest to incorporate and to maintain throughout time so you can experience their benefits? Mine is without a doubt avocado. I love avocados, and garlic of course.
As always, consistency and not perfection is key to develop and maintain healthy eating habits. Keep on going and don’t get discouraged by events that can set you out of rhythm. Just get back to the saddle and keep going strong.