Delicious Apple Cider

I’ve been wanting to make this recipe for a long time. Apple cider was introduced to me a while ago while shopping in a cute clothing shop here in Vernon B.C. It was a really nice touch from the owners and they succeed at their goal, I stayed longer because I felt welcomed. And yes, I also bought something.
To me, apple cider has a magical power. It makes me feel good about the cooler weather, the darker days and stormy afternoons. It actually makes me feel excited about fall and winter. Oh, and I absolutely adore the smell of it in my house while I cook it.
You can enjoy this delicious apple cider cool and warm, or as a base for some boozy drink that I have called Autumn Fling, which is apple cider and Rye Whiskey.
- 13 apples. I happen to have spartan ones.
- 3 Tsp. All spice
- 1 anise star ( optional)
- 1/2 cup Muscovado sugar
- 3 cinnamon sticks
- Pinch ground nutmeg
- 4 strings of orange peal.
Washed and quarter apples. I left the peeal and seeds on, but you can always removed them. Put apples into a big pot and cover with water.
Place the cinnamon sticks and anise star in a cheesecloth. Tight firmly. This will keep spices together instead of disintegrating while cooking.
Bring to a boil and let them in high heat for 15 minutes. After that, lower the heat and let them simmer for about 30-40 minutes. You will notice that apples start to soften and at this point you can smash them with a potato smasher. Once you have done that, let them simmer for another 10 minutes. Remove from heat, and let them cool completely. Once the liquid has cooled, line a strainer with a cheese cloth over a bowl. Squish and strain the liquid throughly. I repeated this process twice so I had no residues in my beautiful apple cider.